Villa del Palmar Cancun
Luxury Beach Resort & Spa
Why Swimming in the Sea is Good for You|Enhance Skin|||

Why Swimming in the Sea is Good for You

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Swimming in the sea is a delightful rite of passage when you are on vacation in a seaside destination, but are you aware that the ancient Greeks actually soaked and bathed in seawater for its health and beauty-enhancing properties?  They submerged themselves regularly in hot tubs and pools filled with seawater, which is rich in minerals.  Channel your inner Greek god or goddess and hop into the sea the next time you are on vacation to take advantage of its many benefits including hydrated skin, a boost to your immune system, increased circulation and a better mood.  

Here are some of the top reasons why swimming in the sea is good for you:

Enhance Skin

Enhance Skin

Seawater is full of magnesium, which can help hydrate the skin and improve its appearance.  Your skin will happily soak up the moisture the seawater lends to it and can also benefit from a reduction in skin issues such as redness and roughness due to the high magnesium levels found in the water.  After some time in the sea, your skin will look absolutely radiant!  

Strengthen Your Immune System

Strengthen Your Immune System

Seawater can promote antibiotic and antibacterial effects within the body that are beneficial to your immune system because of its unique combination of amino acids, living microorganisms, mineral salts, trace elements, vitamins and vital elements.  Thankfully, these components are efficiently absorbed and utilized by your body when you take a swim in seawater.  Sea mist is said to boost your immune system because its negatively charged ions attach to your lungs when you breathe it in.  Your pores will open up as you swim in the sea, allowing your skin to absorb all of the wonderful minerals as it releases disease-causing toxins.  

Improve Circulation

Improve Circulation

Although it may feel fun and relaxing, swimming in seawater can actually improve your blood circulation as oxygen-rich blood is carried from your heart throughout your entire body via your arteries, capillaries, heart and veins.  Bathing or swimming in warm seawater, known as seawater therapy, can boost your circulation by replacing essential minerals that have been depleted by your body through environmental toxins, poor eating habits and stress.

Promote Well-being

Promote Well-being

It should come as no surprise that many folks like to harness the power of seawater to improve their overall well-being and health.  Conditions such as inflammatory disease, bronchitis, asthma and arthritis, as well as everyday aches and pains, can improve with a swim in warm seawater.  You may find that your stress levels are decreased, you sleep like a baby and your muscles can finally relax after you swim in magnesium-rich seawater.  This key element can have a calming effect on the brain and body, leading to a deeper sense of tranquility.  

When you have the chance to swim in the sea, go for it because your body will thank you for a variety of reasons!



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